Industrial water supply, water treatment

Pécs Power Plant - Reconstruction of Cooling Tower No. 6

Country Magyarország
Year 2011
Contractor / Investors

Pannon-Hőerőmű Zrt.

Suvák György

Engineering services

Detailed design 

Technological data

10.000 m3/h

Structural, technological, electric and control engineering reconstruction and capacity increase of the existing wet cooling tower

Pécs Power Plant - Reconstruction of Cooling Tower No. 4

Country Hungary
Year 2011
Contractor / Investors

Pannon-Hő Energetikai Kft.

Suvák György

Engineering services

Detailed design

Technological data

7.500 m3/h

Structural, technological, electric and control engineering reconstruction and capacity increase of the existing wet cooling tower

Mátra Power Plant Ltd. - Study for auxiliary cooling system of blocks No. I-II

Country Hungary
Year 2008
Contractor / Investors

ALSTOM Power Hungária Zrt.

Hazlach László

Engineering services


Technological data

Locating new wet cooling towers and connecting structures,
Trail plan of circulating pipes
Hydraulic revision and planning of the system

TVK - Modernization of pumping station and its equipements

Country Hungary
Year 2007
Contractor / Investors

Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Nyrt.

Bakos Iván

Kruppa Tibor

Engineering services

Licensing plan, obtaining the license,

Detailed design,

Site supervision

As-built drawings,
Final documentation

Technological data

Pump replacement,
mechanical renovations

4x250 MW Hamedan Power Plant - Cooling System Modification

Country Iran
Year 2006-2007
Contractor / Investors

ALSTOM Hungária Zrt.

Hazlach László 

Engineering services

Bidding designs

Technological data

Cooling water circulation system
Additional water supply

Mátra Power Plant – Cooling system intensification - Auxiliary cooling system of blocks No. IV-V.

Country Hungary
Year 2005-2006
Contractor / Investors

ALSTOM Power Hungaria Zrt.

Hazlach László

Engineering services

Approval plan, Licensing plan,
Detailed design,
Site supervision,

As-built drawings,
Final documentation

Technological data

Cooling water circulation system
Partial flow filtering

Chemical dosing system

Fire protection of cooling blocks

Hajdúhátság pumping station

Country Hungary
Year 2004
Contractor / Investors


Engineering services

Licensing plan 

Technological data

Structural design,
Mechanical design

AUDI Hungaria Motor Ltd. Potable and industrial water supply

Country Hungary
Year 2003
Contractor / Investors

AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft.

Paul Betz

Lénárt Győző

Engineering services

Licensing plan

Technological data

Water intake from wells
Water treatment: 1600 m3/d

AES Tisza II. Power Plant – Retrofit program - Server systems of Power Plant

Country Hungary
Year 2002-2005
Contractor / Investors

Térterv Mérnökszolgálati Kft.

Engineering services

Concept plan, Detailed design,

As-built drawings,
Site supervision

Technological data

Reconstruction of cooling water filtering system
Raw water intake system
Bearing cooling water system
Chemical dosing system
Industrial wastewater treatment
Fire water system

Musi-Pulp – new paper-mill - Water intake structure and pumping station (Sumatra)

Country Indonesia
Year 1997-1998
Contractor / Investors


Horst Gesell

Engineering services

General structural drawings 

Technological data

103.000 m3/d

In cooperation with PHILIPP MÜLLER – DEGREMONT GmbH, (Stuttgart)